President's Corner, Comcast, Garden Homes, Moors Master, Moors Pointe, Patio Homes, Townvillas, Village Homes

By Dave Graveline, The Moors Master Association President

Do you use Comcast/Xfinity Cable? If so, what channels do you watch the most? Are you happy with their service? Have you encountered issues that were either not resolved or took a long time or multiple attempts or visits to fix problems?
When our bulk TV deal was put in place many years ago —well before streaming was an option— there was a clear benefit to the Moors and our residents to offer bulk cable TV services. Nowadays, with fewer people actually watching Cable TV, that benefit has all but been eliminated. Even without a Bulk TV deal, residents would still have the ability to order individual services from Comcast —or any other provider— if you choose to do so, on your own, just like all of the Apartment residents do currently.

Resident Survey

Please note: In order for your vote to count you must be a homeowner and your information must match the records on file. All fields are required.
Your personal information is only to verify that you are a Moors Resident. It will not be disclosed or shared!
This questionnaire is no longer available.

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