From the Manager

[dropcap style=”flat” size=”3″]T[/dropcap][highlight background=”” color=”#8C001A”]he start of a new year gives residents and owners the opportunity to start the year with the right attitude. As an HOA resident/owner you can choose to change your point of view towards Association living and resolve to:[/highlight]

[pullquote align=”right”]Do not assume the board is incompetent or dishonest. Get involved in Committees and be part of the decision making process.[/pullquote]

[list icon_color=”#CACACA”]

    • Follow the Golden Rule, “Treat others as you would like to be treated”.
    • Do not refer to the HOA board as “they,” the directors are members like you who also pay assessments and volunteer their time.
    • Remember you can’t fire your neighbors. Find ways to be neighborly.
    • Give your board the benefit of the doubt, they are doing their best as volunteers.
    • Do not assume the board is incompetent or dishonest. Get involved in Committees and be part of the decision making process.
    • Remember that the “my home is my castle” attitude does not work in an HOA. Common interest living means you also agreed to share control over the property.
    • Be more knowledgeable, ask questions and attend board meetings to be well informed.
    • Acknowledge the board may have more information than you. This doesn’t mean the board is right, but it does mean you might not be correct in your opinion.

[pullquote align=”right”]Be more knowledgeable, ask questions and attend board meetings to be well informed.[/pullquote]

  • Be familiar with your community CC&R’s, bylaws, rules and budget.
  • Find positive ways to enhance the image of your community.
  • Try to work out disputes with a neighbor before “legal action.” You can always call the attorney next if our efforts fail.
  • Avoid rushing to attorneys when you disagree with the association, talk to the board first. Look for alternatives with an open mind.
  • Find ways to thank your directors and committees for their service to your community… and the manager, too.


Let’s all of us together have a nicer more positive 2020! Happy New Year!

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