Village Homes

PG Restoration Company will be in the area of 60th CT to pressure clean and paint the buildings. Work from start (pressure cleaning) to finish (painting), will take 2-3 weeks.

WHEN WORK IS BEING DONE IN YOUR BUILDING, TO PREVENT DAMAGE FROM PAINT CHIPS, SPLATTERS OR DRIPS, PLEASE park your vehicle(s) away from the building, keep all windows and sliding glass doors locked, shades closed AND REMOVE ALL PERSONAL ITEMS AND DECORATIONS ATTACHED TO WALLS. Screen doors and patio fence doors must be left open for access.

IF YOUR patio has an ENCLOSURE, before we can paint the interior side of your fence, YOU MUST REMOVE THE SCREEN MESH. DELAYS CAUSED BY RESIDENTS NOT CLEARING THE PATIO or porch area will create an additional expense for the ASSOCIATION. If the crew has to come back on another day to paint, the owner’s account will be back charged for the additional expense.

The Roofs will NOT Be Pressure Cleaned

Between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, if your cul-de-sac/building is being painted, you may use guest parking spaces. After 5 pm resident vehicles found parked in guest parking will be considered to be in violation.

We want to thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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