Village Homes

Roofing & Construction Corporation will begin working on the first section during the first week in January.

Each section will receive an individual notice. From start to finish (re-roofing work), will take 3 weeks to complete. We need residents to properly prepare their unit. Please take note of the following:

[pullquote align=”right”]When work is being done in your building, to prevent damage, please park your vehicle(s) away from the building.[/pullquote]

  • If you have rain gutters, please remove them by December 30. Removal of the roof tiles will damage the rain gutters if left installed. Association will not be responsible for damaged rain gutters.
  • If your unit has a screen enclosure or aluminum roof attached to the wood fascia, the roofing contractor will not be able to replace any damaged wood fascia. Owner will be responsible for detaching the structure.
  • When work is being done in your building, to prevent damage, please park your vehicle(s) away from the building.
  • Keep all windows and sliding glass doors locked, shades closed.
  • Remove personal items and decorations near the soffit areas.

Delays caused by residents not preparing their unit will create an additional expense for the association. If the crew has to come back on another day, the owner’s account will be back charged for the additional expense.

Between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, if your cul-de-sac/building is being worked on, you may use guest parking spaces. After 5 pm resident vehicles found parked in guest parking will be considered to be in violation.

Parking on the street limited to one side only. No parking on the grass.

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