Club center rules

A Moors ID is required at the Club Center

All residents and their guests must show a Moors ID in order to use any of the facilities at the Moors Club Center.

Residents need to make arrangements with the management office to obtain a Moors IDs for their guests before coming to the Club Center to use the facilities. People without a Moors ID will be asked to leave.

  • A resident Moors ID expires every 3 years.
  • A renter Moors ID expires at the end of their lease agreement.
  • A guest ID expires every 5-15 days.

Make arrangements in time to renew you Moors ID. The cost for a Moors ID is $6.

Cash not accepted!

The recreation staff and/or management can’t accept cash as payment for new or replacement barcodes, Moors IDs, social event tickets, etc. Please bring a check or money order with you when paying for these things. We thank you for your cooperation.

People without a Moors ID will be asked to leave the Club Center.


Landscaping by the pool at the Moors club center
Basketball court at the Moors club center
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