
Below are tips and helpful reminders for pedestrians to make your walks both fun and safe. Keep these tips in mind when walking in your neighborhood, to the store, or just across the parking lot.

The top ten tips

  1. Use closed toe, comfortable shoes that will not slip.
  2. Consider what you are wearing and choose clothes that drivers can easily see. Light or bright colors, reflective material and flashing lights are best.
  3. If you have a choice about where you walk, choose a route with sidewalks or a shoulder to give yourself space away from traffic.
  4. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic.
  5. Important things to carry with you are water, a driver’s license or ID, and a cell phone.
  6. Always look for cars before crossing a street or stepping off a curb.
  7. Use crosswalks and follow traffic signals when crossing at street lights
  8. Before stepping in front of a car make eye contact with the driver. Make sure they see you, plan on stopping and have time to stop.
  9. You might have the right-of-way, but walk like drivers do not know the rules.

Don’t be dead right.

  • Pedestrians do have the right of way at marked and unmarked crosswalks; but be careful, some drivers might not know that rule or always follow it. Being right won’t keep you from being hit.

Summer walking.

  • Drink water before your walk and avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks. Carry extra water with you to drink as you walk.
  • Know the signs of heat sickness and seek shelter if you have symptoms.
  • Signs of heat sickness include:
    • Heavy sweating
    • Weakness
    • Muscle cramps
    • Dizziness
    • Headache
    • Nausea/vomiting
    • Fainting

Distracted walking can be deadly.

  • UNPLUG headphones when crossing the street.
  • HANG UP your cell phone until you are out of the intersection.
  • TEXTING CAN WAIT until you know you are safe.
  • LOOK UP! Make eye contact with the approaching driver and make sure the driver sees you!

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