From the Manager

Balancing festive cheer with community harmony

Residents often get passionate about holiday decorations and may not always know when it’s time to remove them. To balance festive cheer with community harmony, The Moors communities have adopted guidelines that regulate the short-term installation of holiday decorations.

When do decorations go up and come down?

In The Moors communities, decorations are typically displayed from Thanksgiving until just after the first of the year, as well as around other holidays like Halloween, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and the 4th of July. These decorations can range from yard ornaments and wreaths to brightly lit Christmas trees operating for 12 hours a day.

The guidelines allow residents to begin decorating up to three weeks before a holiday and require that decorations be taken down within two weeks after the holiday.

The Moors holiday decorations guidelines

Lighting decorations guidelines

Holiday lighting, especially bright and blinking lights, should be arranged in a way that does not disturb neighbors. Consideration ensures that everyone can enjoy the holiday spirit without inconvenience.

Inflatables and lawn decorations

Inflatable decorations are allowed, but residents are responsible for repairing any damage to grass caused by these displays. Additionally, decorations placed in common areas should not obstruct the lawn crew’s ability to maintain the grass and hedges. The association and lawn crew are not responsible for cut wires or damaged decorations.

Keeping the holiday spirit inclusive

The Moors Association strives to maintain an environment that is inclusive and respectful of all traditions. While holiday decorations are encouraged, the Association ensures that decorations guidelines are non-discriminatory and applied uniformly to all residents.

Holiday decorations are meant to bring joy, not conflict. Following the guidelines ensures a festive, harmonious season for everyone.

Read Rules & regulations: Holiday decorations guidelines »

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